Dramatic SFB: GWO Organian Treaty Colony #258 battle report.

Majead Farsi majeadfarsi at googlemail.com
Fri Apr 16 03:10:05 PDT 2021

 Good one Marcel! I For the future, Attackers have a min WS2 even if they
got WS1 rolls ?

On Fri, 16 Apr 2021 at 10:31, Wayne Power via SFBdrama <
sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:

> Good one
> On Friday, 16 April 2021, 01:26:59 pm AEST, Marcel Trahan via SFBdrama <
> sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:
> On an Officer Exchange Program, Rear Admiral K'veset was ordered to
> captain a fleet of Federation ships against marauding Seltorians. I did
> realise that it would be a challenge to lead those untrained, non
> performing federation crew. They are not used to Romulan military
> discipline.
> And it showed at the start. The flag Navigation Officer miscalculated our
> arrival and we arrived unprepared with a WS 1, facing a fully prepared
> Seltorian fleet (WS 3). Because of Federation rules which i had to
> temporarily abide by, the navigation officer did not get flogged or push
> out an airlock without a suit.
> For the first turn, we went to speed 15 to get behind the planet, loading
> the photon tubes at standard load. All phaser capacitors were fully charged
> as well and we started loading a scatter pack on each ship. Each ship
> launched an ECM drone to provide some EW protection. We turned left on a
> heading that would put the planet between us and the Seltorian ships. NSC
> Discovery provided ECM to the 3 PDD. Toward the end of the turn, BCG Kirov
> launched its MRS shuttle. No fire was exchanged during the first turn. We
> ended up at range 7 from the planet.
> On turn 2, Kirov went to speed 30/17/8, the TUG did 8/4/0 while the other
> ships did 17/8. All ships fully OL half of their photons. Early in the
> turn, Kirov and the TUG used tractors in alternance to provide the 2 hexes
> of mouvement needed for the tug to end up at speed 0 beside the planet
> before the end of the turn. Discovery soon started providing ECM to the 3
> PDD's. Seeing that the MRS might be too far to provide EW support to Kirov,
> Discovery tractored it, realising afterward that the MRS would be destroyed
> by the speed of the ship. Concentrating on saving the MRS, Discovery
> science officer forgot to use the last channel to lend ECM to the NCL
> Reliant. The seltorians running full ECCM, manage to fire on it with 14 PC
> and 24 Ph-1 at range 12 at no shift, doing an incredible 53 points of
> damage causing 21 internals taking out 1 photon, 1 Drn-G, 1 Ph-1 and 1 Ph-3
> and 3 warps. If the Discovery science officer had properly done its work,
> the +1 shift would have reduced the damage by more then half. At that
> point, the Seltorians turned away from us, and we launched 15 drones toward
> them.
> The Seltorian seeing that we would remain at slow speed, well covered by
> NSC Discovery and the MRS, insuring a minimum +2 shit, with our TUG
> starting to lower the base toward the planet and with fully OL photons,
> they decided that it was too dangerous to try to close with our forces
> especially that 15 more drones would be launched next turn and that the
> following turn, each ships would have a scatter pack ready.
> The Seltorians decided to disengage, thus saving us from having to scrape
> the bugs off our windshields. If i am ever to participate in that Officer
> Exchange Program, i'll make sure to bring some properly trained Romulan
> officers.
> Federation victory.
> Rear Admiral K'veset
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