Dramatic SFB: GWO Organian Treaty Colony #258 battle report.

Wayne Power wdpower at yahoo.com.au
Thu Apr 15 20:34:10 PDT 2021

Good one    On Friday, 16 April 2021, 01:26:59 pm AEST, Marcel Trahan via SFBdrama <sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:  
 On an Officer Exchange Program, Rear Admiral K'veset was ordered to captain a fleet of Federation ships against marauding Seltorians. I did realise that it would be a challenge to lead those untrained, non performing federation crew. They are not used to Romulan military discipline.
And it showed at the start. The flag Navigation Officer miscalculated our arrival and we arrived unprepared with a WS 1, facing a fully prepared Seltorian fleet (WS 3). Because of Federation rules which i had to temporarily abide by, the navigation officer did not get flogged or push out an airlock without a suit.
For the first turn, we went to speed 15 to get behind the planet, loading the photon tubes at standard load. All phaser capacitors were fully charged as well and we started loading a scatter pack on each ship. Each ship launched an ECM drone to provide some EW protection. We turned left on a heading that would put the planet between us and the Seltorian ships. NSC Discovery provided ECM to the 3 PDD. Toward the end of the turn, BCG Kirov launched its MRS shuttle. No fire was exchanged during the first turn. We ended up at range 7 from the planet.
On turn 2, Kirov went to speed 30/17/8, the TUG did 8/4/0 while the other ships did 17/8. All ships fully OL half of their photons. Early in the turn, Kirov and the TUG used tractors in alternance to provide the 2 hexes of mouvement needed for the tug to end up at speed 0 beside the planet before the end of the turn. Discovery soon started providing ECM to the 3 PDD's. Seeing that the MRS might be too far to provide EW support to Kirov, Discovery tractored it, realising afterward that the MRS would be destroyed by the speed of the ship. Concentrating on saving the MRS, Discovery science officer forgot to use the last channel to lend ECM to the NCL Reliant. The seltorians running full ECCM, manage to fire on it with 14 PC and 24 Ph-1 at range 12 at no shift, doing an incredible 53 points of damage causing 21 internals taking out 1 photon, 1 Drn-G, 1 Ph-1 and 1 Ph-3 and 3 warps. If the Discovery science officer had properly done its work, the +1 shift would have reduced the damage by more then half. At that point, the Seltorians turned away from us, and we launched 15 drones toward them.
The Seltorian seeing that we would remain at slow speed, well covered by NSC Discovery and the MRS, insuring a minimum +2 shit, with our TUG starting to lower the base toward the planet and with fully OL photons, they decided that it was too dangerous to try to close with our forces especially that 15 more drones would be launched next turn and that the following turn, each ships would have a scatter pack ready.
The Seltorians decided to disengage, thus saving us from having to scrape the bugs off our windshields. If i am ever to participate in that Officer Exchange Program, i'll make sure to bring some properly trained Romulan officers.
Federation victory.
Rear Admiral K'veset

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