Dramatic SFB: GWO Recalcitrant Romulans Turn 4

Peter DiMitri pdimitri67 at outlook.com
Tue Apr 6 10:29:44 PDT 2021

Prospecting Raid #248
We have been wrongfully attacked by the New Earth Revolutionary Federation.  They have sent an NCL to face off against our GHA in an asteroid field, with a Romulan CPP and some freighters as targets.  If the Federation doesn't leave, WE FIGHT.

Terrain Defense with Ground Combat #252
We have an overwhelming advantage here against the Gorn.  Our deployment is an RHK, RGK, RGC and FHP vs. The Gorns with a CCF and BDD+.  WE FIGHT.

Base Defense #253
The Hydrans have sent an overwhelming force against us.  They have 2 D7Hs and a DWG vs. our loan SKA.  We will probably have a Base Station as well but this situation is not terribly winnable for the Romulans.  As the defender we cannot simply choose to disengage without fighting.  We will offer to leave the system peacefully if the Hydran player allows.


Peter S. DiMitri
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