Dramatic SFB: Refit Raid #158

Peter DiMitri pdimitri67 at outlook.com
Fri Mar 12 17:49:10 PST 2021

To:  Recalcitrant  Romulan High Command
From:  Admiral Scipio
Re:  Encounter with Paravian Horde in sector #158

It should be noted that Orion intelligence proved somewhat faulty and more Paravian vessels were in this sector than were previously reported.  But with Romulan honor at stake we chose to engage the savage Paravians.  In the future, we should be careful in our dealing with the Orions and not be too trusting of their reports.

Due to our advance by cloak, we managed to catch the Paravians at a weapons status disadvantage.  They had no weasels ready, and they were at low speeds, although their cursed Quantum Wave Torpedoes arm much more quickly than our plasma torpedoes.

At first, the best strategy seemed to be to engage the MCD and leave.  But much our surprise, one of the Paravian DWs decided to conduct a High Energy Turn and face us directly at range 8 with no wild weasels!  We launched 1 plasma R, 1 plasma G and 3 plasma Fs, secure in the knowledge that DW flutter would flutter its last.   And upon impact, the DW vanished in in flame!  We had turned away from the incoming QWTs and had intended to move away while reloading our torpedoes, secure in the knowledge that we now outgunned the Paravians and that the battle was destined to go our way.

But the Paravians, for all of their vaunted craziness, were shaken up by the loss of DW Flutter.  There must have been a wise captain that realized that the day would be ours, and further battle would only risk more Paravian ships.  The Paravians withdrew, leaving us the opportunity to destroy the MCD at our leisure.

Recalcitrant Romulan win.


Peter S. DiMitri
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