Dramatic SFB: Flexible Escorts
matt at mattnet.org
Tue Feb 23 18:54:21 PST 2021
> I fail to see the distinction between the Gorn and Hydran SRV both at
> 8 fighters. It seems to me that once the Hydran SR takes on the extra
> fight and SRV designation that it cross the same line as every other
> races Survey Cruiser. S8.321 does nothing to define what a hybrid. I
> do not see how a Hydran SRV fits under this. It being a SRV make you
> a true carrier which should be universal.
> (S8.321) Hydran hybrid-ships (non-true-carriers) are exempt from this
> restriction. True carriers (those requiring escorts) must count their
> fighters against the overall limit. Hydran carrier escorts are treated
> as hybrids.
> ...
> Gorn SRV: 8 fighters. A true carrier per (S8.322).
> Fed GSCv: 2 fighters. A casual carrier per (J4.62).
> Fed CVL: (A GSC with 8 fighters). A true carrier per (S8.322).
> Hydran SRV: 8 fighters. Hybrid carrier per (S8.321).
> Kzinti SRV: 4 fighters. Hybrid carrier per (S8.322).
I agree that the Hydran SRV should be a true carrier, but I don't see
any of the earmarks that distinguish it from the other Hydran hybrids -
particularly since it does not have an escort table or an "N1" note in
the MSC. Thus, it is treated by the same rule that treats other Hydran
hybrids. To wit, (S8.321).
As you reprinted from the rule above, (S8.321) states that Hydran
hybrids are Hydran ships that are not true carriers (e.g. not defined in
R9.R4). This is why the Ranger (9 fighters), Ragnar (12 fighters), and
Paladin (12 fighters) are hybrid carriers.
You'll also note that other empires have SRVs that are not true
carriers. The Kzinti SRV would be pretty sad if it were a True Carrier.
Fortunately for the Kzinti, (S8.322) saves it from being considered such.
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