Dramatic SFB: GWO Jindarian Encounters

Peter DiMitri pdimitri67 at outlook.com
Sun Feb 7 15:30:15 PST 2021

Well, you could certainly make it up to me by chipping in for my kids' college education...

Otherwise, we'll call it an anomaly and bury this whole incident under the Patrick Duffy rule.  Hopefully it won't happen again?


Peter S. DiMitri

From: Matt <matt at mattnet.org>
Sent: Sunday, February 7, 2021 3:56 PM
To: Peter DiMitri <pdimitri67 at outlook.com>; Matthew via SFBdrama <sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org>
Subject: Re: Dramatic SFB: GWO Jindarian Encounters

And in on case the reward changed from income +10 to new Border... which definitely would have changed my orders.

You are correct, for which I apologize. I had changed the scenario rewards and had the file waiting any further edits, but had forgotten to upload it before starting the campaign. I had uploaded it a few days ago, during a time where it might affect one's orders but not affect the rewards after battles. I should have remembered to send it in before starting things. Is there some way I can make it up to you?

If you're curious, the changes were in scenario rewards. NOBORDERs were given a corresponding NEWBORDER, so an attacker is not missing a border for having won. There is still one or two scenarios where a defender can purposely knock out a border for winning. Additionally, many of the EP rewards were inflated on the theory that larger rewards (or penalties) would encourage people to battle over the scenario more often.

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