Dramatic SFB: GWO Jindarian Encounters
matt at mattnet.org
Sun Feb 7 12:56:12 PST 2021
> And in on case the reward changed from income +10 to new Border...
> which definitely would have changed my orders.
You are correct, for which I apologize. I had changed the scenario
rewards and had the file waiting any further edits, but had forgotten to
upload it before starting the campaign. I had uploaded it a few days
ago, during a time where it might affect one's orders but not affect the
rewards after battles. I should have remembered to send it in before
starting things. Is there some way I can make it up to you?
If you're curious, the changes were in scenario rewards. NOBORDERs were
given a corresponding NEWBORDER, so an attacker is not missing a border
for having won. There is still one or two scenarios where a defender can
purposely knock out a border for winning. Additionally, many of the EP
rewards were inflated on the theory that larger rewards (or penalties)
would encourage people to battle over the scenario more often.
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