Dramatic SFB: SFBdrama Digest, Vol 165, Issue 10

Wayne Power wdpower at yahoo.com.au
Sun Feb 7 00:29:17 PST 2021

 Hi David, 
I am a Battle Captain in Franks A&B Campaign , flying some of the NPE (none player empires). There is 4 players on the East map, and 4 in the West map (if the Kzinti are taken up by a new player), it is a good campaign, the current year is Y170.
    On Sunday, 7 February 2021, 04:55:05 pm AEST, Don Lavanty via SFBdrama <sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:  
 It's a more traditional campaign with a 4E feel, frank is moderating so all maps are hidden real fog of war here. Every player has their own map (which is a piece of the map that only frank knows) there are 2 campaigns going at the moment, the Western powers & Eastern powers on the west side our Kzinti player had to drop out so we are hoping to get a replacement.
the map is set up as a warp lane model with systems connecting to up to 4 others possibly 6? there are 2 sections of the map the regular side which has no ship restrictions and an "inner" side that is size class 4 only although each fleet can be lead by 1 size class 3 ship. Monitors, phaser-4's bases can not be built here.ship movement is restricted to 1 system a turn although fast ships (DNL's, CF's, FDX, etc) can move  2 systems
you can build Warp Gates (very expensive/slow to build) that allows travel between 1 gate and another anywhere on the map.each system has a variable income level but it can be boosted if your empire falls behind
Ship Construction is Handled in Large, Medium & Small Construction dock's with varying capacities and some ships will take multiple turns to complete others not so much. 
this is a very simplified view on the game and structure frank could explain it more completely. I am having a blast in it he has done a fantastic job setting it up with the player spreadsheets doing a great deal of the work you need to do simplifying your work load. 
On Sat, Feb 6, 2021 at 10:11 PM Matt via SFBdrama <sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:

> is the Above and Beyond 4x a SFBDrama campaign or another type?

It is another type. Frank is running it with his own methods and not 
through my website. He could probably answer your questions about it 
better than I can, since I have not joined that campaign.


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