Dramatic SFB: General War Operations

Majead Farsi majeadfarsi at googlemail.com
Tue Feb 2 01:47:15 PST 2021

I assume that we just build ships on the first turn with our orders and the
encounters happen once we progress 1 turn.


On Tue, 2 Feb 2021 at 03:03, Matt via SFBdrama <sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org>

> We're off to the races!
> Welcome to the first turn of the Operations. Since we're purchasing our
> fleets on this first turn, there will be no resolution of scenarios.
> Once everyone builds their ships and hits the "Ready to Advance" button,
> I'll cycle through straight to the same segment of the next turn. There
> we will assign the newly-built ships and build even more ships!
> Attached is an image of the rough placement of borders. Everyone starts
> with three scenarios per border, and are bordered with four neighbors.
> --Matt
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