Dramatic SFB: Possible New Campaign Game "Madness"

Charles Carroll mastrvran at gmail.com
Thu Jan 28 16:25:00 PST 2021

Thanks Wayne not a lot of interest so far lol. No issues

On Thu, Jan 28, 2021 at 7:11 PM Wayne Power <wdpower at yahoo.com.au> wrote:

> Chuck,
> I do not see myself playing in this Campaign, I can offer to be a Battle
> Captain, like I am in the A&B Campaign. ( I do like the "Only normal
> standard races for this one. None of the dead races brought back or
> computer ones").  I will be re-joining the FMJ campaign starting up in
> March (it has a similar "must field a minimum of one ship to each encounter
> before you can send two ship to another)
> I know you are trying to force combats at the scenario with your rules,
> but as has been noted in the other campaign, each player plays differently,
> some are keen to do scenario battles no mater what, and others will pick
> which battles to fight, and like to have the option of retreat.
> all good
> On Tuesday, 26 January 2021, 04:38:27 am AEST, Charles Carroll via
> SFBdrama <sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:
> I have been considering running a new game. Been a while. Be advised up
> front. Rules will not be normal. Game will run from 172 to 177. 4 turns per
> year. We have most if not all of the refits that matter by now. Year one
> you can buy only Frigates or DDs. Every year you get the next size class
> available. Any scenario with bases or things of this nature which skew
> fights, the bases are not built. The system is being held by a fleet. Kill
> the fleet and the base is dead. Things of that nature.
> This will be a very destructive game. Play only if you understand that you
> "will" be losing ships fairly often. ALL and yes I mean all of S8 is out
> the window so no requirements on what is needed to have a ship in a fleet.
> Every single encounter MUST have a ship assigned unless you have no more
> ships to assign.
> Opening turn you are required to build according to this and cover every
> single fight possible. Then as you lose ships and links to sectors things
> become less rigid.
> A God has appeared in the Galaxy. He has taken over the minds of everyone
> by filling them with rage. People are still able to think. But they hate
> and despise all other races and even their own if someone else is in charge
> of them. Retreat is forbidden by our God. You can self-destruct if you do
> not want to fight. But that is your only way to avoid a conflict.  Two
> races enter. One leaves. Remember...No retreat.
> Every turn you are REQUIRED to build ships to cover every single sector.
> So build accordingly. You have enough to build a cruiser. But need to build
> to cover 3 sectors. Corvettes anyone? The point is you build ships to cover
> every sector. If on the very rare possibility that this is impossible. You
> can leave a sector uncovered. But you must always cover if possible by
> building as cheaply as needed. Including dropping refits. No drone
> increases....so forth so one.
> This is nothing more than a weird off beat concept to see if we can force
> combat. Some fights should happen. Especially at first. Only normal
> standard races for this one. None of the dead races brought back or
> computer ones.
> So break out old school and think this out. I do not care if we play as
> all of the same race. Feel free to discuss this here. If there is enough
> interest we will see if you can make our new God happy with your pain and
> suffering and fighting for his glory. Who will be crowned Galactic High
> Priest?
> Chuck Megalomaniac of the Stars.
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