Dramatic SFB: New "Main" Campaign

Matt matt at mattnet.org
Wed Jan 27 14:38:05 PST 2021

> my main issue is the sole use of economic points/ship value as a 
> determination as to who is the campaign winner.

Well, I could open it up to the baked-in "Campaign Score", which you see 
in the sidebar for your empire when you first see your scenarios. This 
is a weighted count of the number of borders, your stockpiled EPs, your 
EP income, and your fleet BPV. Borders already have their own 
advantages, so I elected to go straight to economic health as determined 
by your fleet.

> If we can alter the victory condition to scenario wins or levels of 
> victory with adjustment for BPV difference

Unfortunately, that greatly increases the amount of orders a player must 
give at the conclusion of a scenario. There are other issues with that 
sort of framework; largely stemming from where one player or another 
disagree over what happened in the game.

To be honest, I'm not interested in coding in that sort of framework at 
the moment.


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