Dramatic SFB: Encounter 2402

Matt matt at mattnet.org
Fri Oct 2 06:00:58 PDT 2020

> Can you give me a clear picture of what forces would be legal for the 
> Klingons in this battle?
> In question is the carrier and escorts.  If a legal escort group isn't 
> fielded is the carrier also excluded from the encounter or just the 
> one extra sc3 escort?

Being excluded because of the fleet formation rules (it is (S8.0) in the 
case of the last several campaigns) forces those units who's situation 
cannot be made correct, to be excluded. An un-escorted carrier would be 
forced to retire. A dreadnaught without consorts would be forced to 
retire. Escorts without carriers would be forced to retire. And so on.

I see a D6V w/ PFs, a pair of AD5s, AD6, C7 w/ PFs, D7, and a D5S.

The most glaring issue is the lack of a SC4 escort. Because of the lack 
of escorts, the carrier would be forced to retire. Escorts without 
carriers would be forced to retire (there is no Tug to escort, either. 
That might have let you keep an escort or two.) The result is that the 
above fleet would be reduced to the C7, D7, and D5S.


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