Dramatic SFB: Campaign Rules

Wayne Power wdpower at yahoo.com.au
Fri Jul 31 18:41:51 PDT 2020

 Ok understood,
The Peladine in the AoPF campaign I have decided to max at 36 ships (and for the last 20 turns get some more battle history with them).
The Peladine Forces I have limited also as, 1x size class two, 11x size class three, 24x size class four, 12x Interceptors/PFs, and 24x Fighters (and some other force structure limits).
All good

    On Saturday, 1 August 2020, 09:45:49 am AEST, Matt via SFBdrama <sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:  
 The Age of PFs is about to cycle, pending some last-minute stuff from 
some people.

One of those things is a rules change I would like to put forward. This 
change would add a note to the die-roll chart near the back of the rules 
to state that the attacker getting WS-I would instead get WS-II. Thus 
the attacker cannot ever get WS-I except by some change to WS by a scenario.

An attacker without a scout would get WS-II half the time and WS-III 
half the time. An attacker with a scout would get WS-II a third of the 
time and WS-III two thirds of the time. (Attackers with scouts have the 
same odds before the edit.)

Defenders still get WS-I a third of the time without the scout and 
one-sixth of the time with a scout. This is slightly offset by the fact 
that the defender sometimes is given a scout for free (MBs, BSCs, etc) 
and also by the defender getting free units (and thus usually some free 


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