Dramatic SFB: QUESTION - AofPF - T13 - #2326 Planet Crusher - Fed WS Roll - (+2 gen, +1 attacker, +1 PFScout)
matt at mattnet.org
Wed Sep 30 17:16:16 PDT 2020
> Does your scenario qualifies as published scenario?
In a manner of speaking, yes. The terms and conditions of the scenario
are spelled out in the scenario or in the campaign rules. Any special
rules therein (e.g. substitutions for empires, such as Andromedans
treating the Queen Snake as a tug and it can handle pods like the
galactics) are treated as part of the scenario.
However, any deviations from the "standard" rules (such as allowing more
than the normal amount of attrition units) are not allowed unless stated
as above.
> My fleet now have many PFs that I normally group in pack of 6
> (flotilla) then distribute them to their respective casual tenders.
> So for ever 6, I have (or thought I have) 1 Leader, 1 scout and 4 stds.
> I case of scenario 2326 because I didn’t have a SC ship available I
> put a PFL and a PFS on the ship (NCL) that is carrying the 2 PFs using
> meclink (casual Tender).
Casual PFs do not include leader or scout variants, per (K0.31) and
(K2.114). For purposes of those rules, this is not a scenario that
provides an exemption to leader/scout variants as casual PFs. If that
exemption existed, there would be a clause in the scenario (or in the
campaign rules - it would probably be in the empire-specific rules if it
were) that would specifically state that casual PFTs may carry leaders
and/or scouts in certain quantities.
> As point out by Larry does K2.114 applies? In this home made campaign?
> Meaning that all my PF build should be Std version only instead of
> flotilla format.
All of the ships with the 'm' refit (the R1.R1 'mech link' refit) are
priced to carry standard combat models, not the vastly-higher-priced
scout or leader models. Additionally, they are priced to carry the
most-common version of those PFs, not escort/drone/phaser/commando/etc
variants. Certain variants (escort, scout) cannot be placed on casual
mech links, but if you wanted to change to some variant PF (drone,
phaser) then they may be swapped out before setup at the cost of COs set
out in the campaign rules for attrition units.
For the sharp-minded fellows that are saying "The scenario doesn't
provide an exemption under (K2.114) yet you are saying that the campaign
allows you to swap out PFs for variants. Scouts and leaders are
variants. Right?" You would be correct. However, operationally, Leaders
and scouts are not in sufficient numbers to be placed on casual PFTs in
the hope that there will be enough standard PFs nearby to fill out a
full flotilla. It is specifically stated in the rules that leaders and
scouts are not put in casual "flotillas" (K0.31 and others), yet there
is no such statement regarding casual PFTs holding other odd variants
occasionally (except for (K2.413), which mentions cargo variants.)
> Which ship is generating the scout bonus?
> NCL is carrying 2 Pfs, one a leader the second is a SC.
Scout PFs do not provide a scout bonus to Weapon Status. It is presumed
that they are docked to the tender until shortly before or shortly after
the action starts. Besides which, the fleet WS has implications beyond
the Flotilla/tender dynamic that the PFS can only affect, per (K1.75)
and (G24.321).
> * When you load a NCA in SFBOL it has the possibility of ticking 5
> refits (home galaxy, etc) Does it have any of these refit?
For the curious, those refits are:
- Home Galaxy: Replaces the Disruptor systems with Particle Cannons.
- PF Refit: Gives it a pair of casual PFs
- Rear Hull Only: Removes the Command Module (Com) from the rear hull
- With FCom: Replaces the Com with an FCom (adds a couple fighters and
some Flag Bridge)
- With SCom: Replaces the Com with an SCom (adds a couple Flag Bridge)
The last three options do not exist in our campaign format here.
However, it's possible that other campaigns might include the option to
do these things.
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