Dramatic SFB: OFS Encounter Report - Turn 10

Brent Stanton brentzkrieg39 at gmail.com
Wed Jul 8 19:23:42 PDT 2020

Analysts at the Klingon Office of Frontier Security have generated the
following encounter report.
Distribution of this report to unauthorized personnel will bring dishonour
to your house.

On the Earth Federation Front border:

*Sector #1493 - Hostages:* After a valiant colony defense last quarter, the
OFS carrier group tasked to this border is undergoing repairs.* EFF Victory*

On the Magistrorum Militum border:

*Sector #1528 - Dilithium Crystal Asteroid:* The Magistrorum Militum has
taken advantage of a shortage of suitable Klingon vessels, which has
allowed them to mine precious Dilithium crystals claimed by the OFS.
Militum Victory*

*Sector #1529 - Convoy Raid: *No vessels were assigned to harrass Peladine
convoys travelling through a border-adjacent sector. *Magistrorum Militum

*Sector #1530 - Colony Raid:* After the success of IKV Rabbleslayer's
colony raid on the EFF border, the D5's Pitiless, Divisor, and Review were
deployed on the Magistrorum Militum border to earn a much needed victory
against our Peladine neighbors. The D5 squadron reports contact with a
Dreadnought! *The OFS will fight.*

On the Vibrant Venemous border:

*Sector #1552 - Moray Eel... of Space!: Dropped*

On the Catnip Duchy border:

*Sector #1558 - Convoy Raid:* IKV Dawnslayer reports it has detected a
Lyran DWL with Bobcat fast patrol ships escorting a small convoy. Standing
orders for diplomactic encounters with the Catnip Duchy are to continue the
excellent communication we have previously exchanged, particularly in the
form of self-delivering gifts and high-intensity energy messages.
*The OFS looks forward to resuming talks.*
*Sector #1559 - Convoy Raid:* IKV Jackal met and escorted a convoy to its
destination without incident. *OFS Victory*

*Sector #1560 - Dilithium Crystal Asteroid*: No OFS ships were assigned to
raid a source of dilithium crystals belonging to the Catnip Duchy. *Catnip
Duchy Victory*

*Sector #1561 - The Planet Crusher:* Another world lost to the ravenous
Planet Crusher. We really ought to do something about those... *Catnip
Duchy Victory*

On The Will border:

*Sector #1562 - Base Defense:* None of the OFS officers have fallen
sufficiently out of favor with the Emperor to warrant deploying forces to a
glory-or-death assault on a Tholian starbase. *The Indomitable Will of the
Tholian Holdfast, its Annexes, Territories, and Subjugated Worlds has the

On the new Lyran border:

*Sector #1563 - Dilithium Crystal Asteroid:* An F5 squadron led by IKV
Chieftain reports contact with a separate Lyran star nation in this sector!
Based on the Office of Frontier Security's interactions with the Catnip
Duchy, and the sizeable Lyran force assigned to claim a source of dilithium
crystals, the Lyran species possesses an innate understanding of Klingon
diplomatic theories! The OFS looks forward to opening discussion in the
future, with bigger ships. *F5's will withdraw, Lyran victory!*

*Sector #1564 - The Planet Crusher*: This creature seems to have harmlessly
wandered off to somebody else's star system. *Encounter dropped.*
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