Dramatic SFB: AoPF Turn 9 Battle report

Matt matt at mattnet.org
Mon Jun 8 17:17:06 PDT 2020

> Based on my reading, according to G14.113, any damage scored may be 
> distributed as the owning player sees fit to the combined unit. Hits 
> can be applied to the GSA by that process, with the caveat from 
> G14.74, which treats the attached GSA as inactive cargo as if the TUG 
> were carrying a freighter, which is covered in G14.73, more 
> specifically G14.732.

Not so much that internal damage to the tug is applied as the owner 
desires, as they can do when the ground base is functioning on a planet, 
but that the systems of the ground base are hit on Cargo hits (per 
G14.13). In effect, when the tug takes a cargo hit, it can decide if 
it's own cargo is hit or some box of the owner's choosing in the base. 
When the tug takes a non-cargo internal hit, the tug (or one of it's 
other pods, if any) takes the indicated hit.

When it comes to doing this in the client software, it may be needed to 
take the internal damage as normal, let the software do it's auto-DAC 
thing, and then walk-back any hits that would-have-hit-cargo-but-didn't 
or redistribute "cargo" hits between the tug's own and the ground-base's 


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