Dramatic SFB: T9 Age of PF Encounter report - Hydrax Prime

Wayne Power wdpower at yahoo.com.au
Sun May 31 12:26:40 PDT 2020

 Hi Majead,
I don't think that halving points in scenario will work. I will disengage the Peladine forces from scenario 1232 (Carnivon win) (maybe next time you will have your DWV carrier group, that one with the three FF was nice at 1.5 move cost)
All good
    On Monday, 1 June 2020, 01:51:08 am AEST, Majead Farsi <majeadfarsi at googlemail.com> wrote:  
 Hi Wayne and Marcel I have emailed Matt and Paul with regards to the lack of Carriers and their escorts. In case this takes time and to give the respective designers time to prepare the ships for the client, what do you guys think of halving the EP's gained in the encounters with no losses. This needs to be agreeable by Matt too! only to give him and Paul time to sort out the ships. If you are both in agreement then Matt take that into consideration.

On Sun, 31 May 2020 at 13:38, Majead Farsi <majeadfarsi at googlemail.com> wrote:

Our battles are on hold till I get my carriers and escorts on the client! No idea how long. My game with Wayne will be same.
On Sun, 31 May 2020, 10:46 Marcel Trahan via SFBdrama, <sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:

We have nothing to report on the Klingon and Kzinti borders since both empires kept their ships within their borders.
On the Peladine front.:
Colony Raid #1178: We will defend our colony from the intruding Peladine - Battle to be foughtConvoy Raid #1179: We are attacking this convoy transporting illegal contreband - Batte to be fought
Base Defense #1180: This colony was too deep in Peladine territory for us to attack. Peladine victory.
Artifact Singularity #1181: We were able to loot the planet without any interference from the Peladine - Hydran victory

On the Canivons front:
Passing the Baton #1182: we will engage the DN lead 11 ships fleet and attempt to destroy the Tug - Battle to be fought.Space Boar #1183: We will protect this endangered species from Canivons poaching - Battle to be fought.Hostage #1184: No one seems to care about the hostages - Scenario dropped.
Wayne/Majead, we have 2 battles each to be fought.
Hydrax Prime____________________________________________________
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