Dramatic SFB: OFS Encounter Report

Brent Stanton brentzkrieg39 at gmail.com
Sun May 10 20:07:29 PDT 2020

Analysts at the Klingon Office of Frontier Security have generated the
following encounter report.
Distribution of this report to unauthorized personnel will bring dishonour
to your house.

On the Earth Federation Front border:

*Sector #1209 - Terrain Defense with Ground Combat:* Emboldened by a
successful convoy raid against the Earth Federation Front earlier in Y180,
IKV Pitiless was deployed to counter an EFF attempt to occupy an important
stellar terrain feature. The OFS’s records were unclear as to the nature of
this terrain, only that the EFF wanted it. We underestimated the EFF
interest in the area, and the Pitiless was forced to withdraw.* EFF Victory

*Sector #1030 – Organian Treaty*: The carrier group of IKV Rabbleslayer was
dispatched on a goodwill mission to escort a Deep Space Fleet Tug carrying
an agricultural relief station to assist a struggling Organian Treaty
signatory. Our flag officer reports that the EFF also appears to have
assigned a significant force accompanying a Tug. It is our opinion that the
EFF is attempting to intimidate the locals into accepting a federation
puppet government, and the use of force to prevent this has been authorized.
* Let’s schedule a time to do some shooting!  *

On the Magistrorum Militum border:

*Sector #1054 – Colony Raid*: The Magistrorum Militum took advantage of a
gap in the OFS deployments to savage an unprotected colony which they claim
belong to them at some point in the past. Due to the extent of the damage
inflicted by the Elagius, this colony will likely be abandoned. *Magistrorum
Militum Victory  *

*Sector #1055 – Refit Raid:* Due to the need to assemble a diplomatic
mission for a new empire these forces were re-deployed from this front to
the Tholian theatre.
*Magistrorum Militum Victory  *
*Sector #1056 – Canisters*: When IKV Divisor was sent to investigate a
recently discovered cache of canisters, the OFS failed to anticipate such
strong resistance from the Magistrorum Militum. Divisor has been instructed
to withdraw from such overwhelming force.
* Magistrorum Militum Victory  *
*Sector #1057 – The Planet Crusher: Encounter Dropped*

*Sector #1058 – Space Boars:* No ships were available to harvest this
bounty of space bacon. Thieving Peladine have made off with all the best
space boar cuts.
*Magistrorum Militum Victory  *

On the Drewzarian Federation border:

*Sector #1071 – Colony Raid: Encounter Dropped *

On the Vibrant Venomous border:

*Sector #1076 – Fleet Repair Dock:* The rebellious Vudar attempted to sway
the OFS with compliments such as calling us “Unsubtle” but made no attempt
to oppose our forward Fleet Repair Dock while its defenses were being
established. With the IKV Jackal added to the OFS’s growing fleet, the
Vudar traitors will be crushed in glorious battle! Eventually. *Office of
Frontier Security Victory *

On the Catnip Duchy border:

*Sector #1081 – Planetary Bombardment:* Since encountering the Catnip Duchy
earlier in Y180, scientists at the OFS have been plagued by questions like
“What is a Catnip?” and “Does it explode?”

OFS command staff decided the best solution would be to ask a Lyran border

>From several million kilometers away.

With drones.

*Office of Frontier Security Victory  *

*Sector #1082 – Terrain Defense with Ground Combat: Encounter Dropped *

*Sector #1083 – Canisters:* What’s in the box? What’s in the box? The OFS
will never know. Based on the number of Catnip Duchy vessels deployed, we
have determined that cats like to open boxes. *Catnip Duchy Victory  *

*Sector # 1084 – Planetary Bombardment: Encounter Dropped*

On our border with the Indomitable Will of the Tholian Holdfast, it’s
Annexes, Territories, and Subjugated Worlds:

*Sector #1085 – Fleet Repair Dock*: Rumors of strangely configured vessels
establishing an FRD on our border have been confirmed. *Tholian Victory  *

*Sector #1086 – Base Defense:* A species little-known to the OFS has been
encountered on a previously uncontested stretch of our area of
responsibility. While we request additional intelligence from the Deep
Space Fleet, the Frigate squadron led by IKV Chieftain has been deployed to
test the negotiating aptitude of our newest neighbor, and open talks with
some gunboat diplomacy. *Overwhelming Force is present. Will the IWTHATSW
withdraw? *
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