Dramatic SFB: Number of Scouts

Wayne Power wdpower at yahoo.com.au
Sun Apr 12 23:00:01 PDT 2020

 Hi Matt,
The General units (bases) don't seem to be noted in the log activity, and I have not been able to launch shuttles/drones from the general bases , can they be placed/targeted manually? 
    On Monday, 13 April 2020, 09:06:38 am AEST, Matt via SFBdrama <sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:  
> Interesting stuff Matt! Just to make sure I understand correctly, the 
> 1:8 scouts:other ships ratio is just for battles, not our entire fleet 
> mix correct?

Yes. You can buy as many of anything as you want, but you'll be limited 
on number per battle sometimes.


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