Dramatic SFB: T9 Age of PF Encounter report - Hydrax Prime

Marcel Trahan marcel.trahan91 at gmail.com
Sun May 31 02:46:27 PDT 2020

We have nothing to report on the Klingon and Kzinti borders since both
empires kept their ships within their borders.

*On the Peladine front.:*

*Colony Raid #1178:* We will defend our colony from the intruding Peladine
- *Battle to be fought*
*Convoy Raid #1179*: We are attacking this convoy transporting illegal
contreband - *Batte to be fought*
*Base Defense #1180:* This colony was too deep in Peladine territory for us
to attack. *Peladine victory.*
*Artifact Singularity #1181:* We were able to loot the planet without any
interference from the Peladine - *Hydran victory*

*On the Canivons front:*

*Passing the Baton #1182:* we will engage the DN lead 11 ships fleet and
attempt to destroy the Tug - *Battle to be fought.*
*Space Boar #1183:* We will protect this endangered species from
Canivons poaching - *Battle to be fought.*
*Hostage #1184:* No one seems to care about the hostages - *Scenario

Wayne/Majead, we have 2 battles each to be fought.

Hydrax Prime
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