Dramatic SFB: Vudar validated by victims

Matt matt at mattnet.org
Sat May 23 15:52:20 PDT 2020

The Carnivon dreadnaught and fleet slip out of high-warp near colony 
XVB1049 within dagger-distance of eachother. Long range scans from the 
DWS show the three of the Vudar's largest ships and one of their 
ubiquitous scouts. That force in itself is somewhat inferior to the 
Carnivon's dreadnaught, pair of war cruisers, bombardment cruiser, scout 
and frigate. But then adding in the heavily fortified planet, and things 
seem much more like a fair fight. Not what admirals like to see.

Deeper scans by the scout showed that the espionage service failed to 
mention the defensive phaser fortifications. The plan was to keep the 
Vudar ships away with bombardment while attacking the planet. This new 
wrinkle meant that in the time it takes to kill two bases, one war 
cruiser will be lost. And that presumes the Vudar had their Ion 
Generators set to EW and not to Kill-DBs, boring in despite the heavy 

So what was supposed to be an invasion, turned into a series of mean 
looks exchanged across the border.

--Vudar espionage report from interrogated Carnivon prisoner.

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