Dramatic SFB: Colony raid #482 battle report
Majead Farsi
majeadfarsi at googlemail.com
Tue Feb 25 03:15:46 PST 2020
Damn right to 😀. That was one nasty fleet!
On Mon, 24 Feb 2020 at 16:03, Marcel Trahan via SFBdrama <
sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:
> Knowing that the Carni were looking to expand their control over our
> colonies, we dispatched the UH+ Succession War carrier group (UH+, DA+,
> DDS+) supported by 2 DWH to protect our colony Qwuonta. Since we were
> expecting trouble, our ships were in high level od readiness (WS 3). The
> Carnivons CWL and CW were not as ready as we were (WS 2).
> Turn 1
> Since we were starting almost from a stand still, we accelerated to speed
> 11 while the carni were closing toward us at speed 21. UH+ had 4 St-TM out
> on patrol. When then lauch the 2 reaming St-T plus all other fighters
> available. Carni were doing 0/6 EW. As they got within 15 hex from the DDS,
> 4 O-EW were sent on the 2 Cani ships from the DDS+. As they got to range 14
> from the SAMS (which had 3 ECM) they fire 8 DC, 4 of them hitting for 24
> damage, causing 6 internals. The Carni ships did a HET, realising they they
> were outgunned. As they were fleeing, we fire everything that we could on
> the CWL at range 12-15 which came up to 31 Ph-G, 8 Ph-1, 13 Ph-2, 3 Ph-3
> and 4 HB at range 15 and 3 HB at range 18. Phasers did 29 damage, causing 5
> internals and the HB's did another 19 internals. All fighters still had
> all their Fusions and HB charges. The Carni cowardly ran away with their
> tail between their legs to go and lick their wounds like young puppies do.
> Hydrax Prime victory.
> Colony Raid #483 to be played tomorrow at 8 ET, where the Carni DN, CWL,
> CW, FF will be facing the MKV carrier goup composed of 1 MKV, 1 PICV+ and 2
> DWA.
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