Dramatic SFB: Age of PFs

Michael Helbig admgrraven at gmail.com
Sat Feb 22 08:10:25 PST 2020

Unless Pat wishes to fight Organian treaty 534 KGB forces are RTA

On Fri, Feb 21, 2020, 7:19 AM Wayne Power via SFBdrama <
sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:

> Hi Matt,
> I have done the set up for the Peladine in Scenario 508 Colony Raid AoPF
> (I noticed that the GMS, GSA (in SFBOL), all have three Admin shuttles, in
> the SSDs Module R1 they have only one Admin, and one HTS shuttle, I have
> changed them to that configuration).
> Lots of units to do EA for in this battle, we can get into it after my
> Hydran is no longer in the Sapphire Tournament, probably happening on turn
> 4/5 round 1.
> All good
> On Thursday, 20 February 2020, 12:07:36 am AEST, Matt via SFBdrama <
> sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:
> All the orders are in, and everyone hit the "ready" button. Things are
> cycled and now we can see who has Pow Pow!
> The Empire of the Wolf decided to leave the Vudar colonies alone this
> month, after the bruising they received last time. A token scout was
> dispatched to the area to warn the inhabitants of more attacks.
> The Magistrorum Militum were left to their convoy, but a major colony
> was attacked by the Vudar. Their BC, with a CW and a few DW hulls is
> defending against a couple of the Vudar's brutish cruiser hulls and
> attending scout. This one favors the defenders, but the Vudar are
> interested in how much damage they could cause in the mean time.
> There is alot of activity on the Drewzarian Federation border, but only
> one spot where conflict occurred. The Vudar DW squadron was escorting
> their LTT when a Federation cruiser and frigate showed up. This is
> likely to be a pretty balanced battle. It will be interesting if the
> Federation's firepower can overcome the Vudar's electronic warfare.
> Whereas the Office of Frontier Security had left their Vudar border
> quiet. Frontiers are supposed to be quiet.
> --Matt
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