Dramatic SFB: Age of PFs: Vudar

Drew Klenotic drew at klenotic.org
Wed Jan 22 09:24:17 PST 2020

While that may be true, the victory conditions outline that the winner 
is the one who controls the most GCL's.... So that aspect is going to be 
the deciding one... and I think that makes things a bit more lopsided 
than they might first appear.

Surely your "scout" figured that out. ;)

If your marine commander still hasn't come to his senses, I'm Eastern 
time zone US, and should be free Friday night and all weekend.


On 2020-01-22 08:57, Matt via SFBdrama wrote:
> Wow.. I've got, like four encounters this turn!
> Terrain Defense #388, Federation defending against the Vudar:
> With pleasure, the Vudar War Destroyer presses the attack against the
> Federation commando cruiser. It appears to be a battle where each ship
> is superior to the other in different arenas. Which aspect of the
> battle will be the deciding one?

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