Dramatic SFB: Age of PFs

Matt matt at mattnet.org
Wed Jan 15 17:02:50 PST 2020

> Just wondering about scenario #385 Fleet Repair Dock,
> as defender I get a Minelayer ship size 4 that is not docked, and lets 
> say one ship gets bid (scenario says ship is docked to the FRD, can 
> Interceptors with bid ship be deployed if WS is high enough, or do 
> they stay on mech-links and docked with ship) ?

The minelayer provided by the scenario is indeed un-docked.

RE: PFs. I have added this to the scenario: "During the scenario setup, 
ships are docked to the FRD first internally (C13.5) (36 docking points 
worth) and then externally (C13.55) (2 ships). These ships may undock as 
soon as they able. PFs or INTs (but not fighters) on the docked ships 
may have been launched before the scenario began, but are at the same WS 
as their home ship and are setup as undocked ships (above.)"


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