Dramatic SFB: Border War Y162 Turn 4 encounters

Wayne Power wdpower at yahoo.com.au
Sun Jan 26 13:14:55 PST 2020

Kommissioner Sleer Charon IX Sector:

Hydran border:
425 Base Defence:  Klingon LF4 "Bold", LF4 "Undaunted" successfully defend the base station "Fried Calamari Rings" (Klingon win)
424 Base Defence:  Hydran has a TUG with P-CM1 Pallet, KN, SC, and a CRU defending the MB. The Klingon D7C "Von-Zharavik" will attack for a turn or two. (Battle)
423 Evacuate Observatory:  The Klingon D6G "Mordain Guard" rescues the 28 crew from the SAM before it is destroyed in the Heat Zone. (Klingon win) 

Carnivon border:
407 Prospecting Raid: The Klingon TGB "Commissioner Deus Bane", E4 "Obdurate", E3C "Inspector Grakla", and D6E "Explorer" are not interrupted mining the Asteroid field. (Klingon win)
406 Dragon Attack:  Klingon D6 "Reaver", and D6 "Refutor", will defend against the Dragon. (Battle)
405 Colony Raid:  Klingon E3 "Devoted", F5 "Ardent", F5 "Fiend", and D6 "Atropos" will defend the Colony 3x GSA, 3x GSM, 3x Defsats, and the SAM against the Carnivons TG with 2x Bpods, CA, FFL, FFS. (Battle)

The Klingons have one battle vs the Hydran, and two battles vs the Carnivon.

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