Dramatic SFB: Age of PFs

Marcel Trahan marcel.trahan91 at gmail.com
Mon Dec 9 18:13:28 PST 2019

To whomever it might concern, here are the intentions of the Mighty Hydrax
Prime empire.

*On the Klingon Border:*

*Hostages #202:* We have no intentios of rescuing the hostages. If they
decided to surender to Klingons wihout fighting to their death, well they
should suffer KLingon prisons. *Klingon auto-win.*
*Colony Raid #203:* Seems that neither of us was interested by this
backward colony. we didn't think they they could provide any meaningfull
ressources to our empire. *Scenario dropped.*
*The Planet Crusher #204:* Long range sensors spotted a weird incoming
artifact heading toward our colony. The mighty GEN+ Protector was sent to
intercept the artifact. Seems that when it sensed the presense of
Protector, the artifact turned away. *Hydran Victory*.

*On the Lyran Border:*

*Convoy Raid #205:* A squadron of war destroyer composed of DWH Puncher,
DWH Crusher and DWH Breaker are currently escorting our convoy of critical
parts to sustain our war effort. A lone Lyran DW has been spotted heading
toward us on an intercept course. To the Lyran High Command, disengage your
ship or be destroyed. *Waiting for Lyran answer.*
*Colony Raid #206:* We cannot stand the presence of a Lyran colony so close
to our border. Carrier group Succession War composed of UH+ Succession War
and DA+ Follower suported by DDS+ Warning will engage the defending Lyrans
forces. To the Lyran High Command, disengage your ship and surrender the
base or be destroyed. *Waiting for Lyran answer. *
*Space Boar #207:* GEN+ Constable and GEN+ Administrator were dispached to
hunt space boars in this sector. No one were there to contest the hunt. We
manage to bring back a few carcasses which will provide some interesting
boost to our economy. *Hydran Victory.*

*On the Peladine Border:*

*Colony Raid #208:* We had no interest in that backward colony. We are
happy to leave it to the Peladine. *Peladine Victory.*
*Terrain Defense with Ground Combat #209:* Neither empire was interested by
this location. *Scenario dropped.*
*Colony Raid #210:* As previously stated, we currently have no interest in
Peladine colonies. *Peladine Victory.*

To the Lyran empire, will you fight Convoy Raid #205 and Colony Raid #206
or will you disengage?
Waiting for your answer.

Hydrax Prime

On Mon, Dec 9, 2019 at 7:19 PM Gregory Flusche via SFBdrama <
sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:

> To the Emperor of the Sun. The SKA Kiomi has closed on a rich asteroid
> full of Dilithium crystals. Only to find a Gorn DDL+ moving in on the
> asteroid. What are your orders. Orders from the Emperor of the sun take the
> crystals we need them for the empire.  Fight are run Gorn
> The SPL+ Tatsuta killed a Moray eel of space in sector 194.
> SEBy w/ G-SFs "Kaiyo", SEE "Awaji  in sector 185 report a Gorn DDF
> heading toward the colony Shito. Your orders my Emperor. Hold the planet at
> all costs they make great Rice Wine there. Will you fight are run Gorns.
> SKA "Tsuga"  reports all quiet in sector 196 and is enjoying the comforts
> there.
> With no ships available we  did not check out the rumor of lost probes in
> sector 197 I shall punish myself for not sending ships there.
> SPA+ "Kiso", SKA "Kaya" are enjoying some R&R in sector 198.  It appears
> the Earth Federation wants peace?
> We sent no ships to go after  a group of Dwawzarian Federation scientists
> in sector 199
>  SPA+ "Tama  has killed a few space boars for the Emperors larder in
> sector 200. We shall have a grand feast
> As we are not looking for war we did not attack the Dwarzarian Federation
> colony in sector 201. Even if we think it may be in our space.
> Seems it is just the war mongering child eating Gorns i am battling with.
> Shall they fight?
> On Mon, Dec 9, 2019 at 4:57 PM Gregory Flusche <shagrat1960 at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> cool plasma
>> On Sun, Dec 8, 2019 at 8:55 PM Matt via SFBdrama <
>> sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:
>>> We've got 3 folks left before cycling the turn.
>>> --Matt
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