Dramatic SFB: Age of PFs

Matt matt at mattnet.org
Wed Nov 27 22:14:58 PST 2019

Alright Gents. In the last hour before Thanksgiving (for you Americans), 
the game is ready for ship builds (again.)

You've got 1000 BPV to build your fleets. Everyone has three neighbors 
with three scenarios per neighbor. If you built all destroyers, you'd 
have ships enough to cover everything.

Give build orders, rename your empire (by giving an order to "rename 
ship/empire", leave everything else blank except for the text field at 
the end) and hit the "Ready to Advance" button. Hopefully, everyone will 
have their turns done in a couple days. I'll advance the turn, you'll 
have your ship builds completed and a fresh set of scenarios.


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