Dramatic SFB: TB WAR

Don Lavanty emeketos at gmail.com
Sat Jun 15 19:05:01 PDT 2019

*Federation front (Task Force 34)*
all is quiet

*ISC Front*

*Fleet Repair Dock #4002*
BCH "Copper Dragon" w/ PF's, BC "Iron Dragon" w/PF's HDD+ "GCN" are heading
towards the FRD at max speed. ISC CA w/ Interceptors, CA w/ interceptors
are all docked at the FRD. We are waiting on ISC to respond to the

*Romulan "The Republic" Border*
All is Quiet

*Paravian "Crusaders" Border*
Quiet nothing has been seen or heard.

 ISC (2?)

Apparently, the ISC is indecisive in their affairs.
and the Border remain's quiet.

2 potential battles depending on how crazy the Hydran's are.
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