Dramatic SFB: Convoy Battles

Wayne Power wdpower at yahoo.com.au
Fri May 24 23:45:58 PDT 2019

Leak is hull 

    On Saturday, 25 May 2019, 14:51, Don Lavanty <emeketos at gmail.com> wrote:

 5 F-S + Small Q-shipOh I can imagine the captain's joy. Speed can be kinda important against drone and plasma races. 
F-S are kinda durable middle shield and all. Just pray those 4 warp last for 7 turns. Kinda like the CS 4 warp its not like your going to see 4 points of warp(and 1 impulse) damage in a couple of salvos's right?  Disruptor leak anyone?
Which is one of my reasons for the issue of the CS is 4 warp 1 impulse. That's all it takes to stop a CS, FT has 12 warp and I forget the impulse the loss of 4 warp is serious but doesn't bring the ship to speed 0 and eventually force the panels to drop from lack of power. causing a likely Cascade implosion. That's what a 10 points of internals even if you miss the panels it is going to kill the ship. If 10 doesn't do it just fire another P-1 on a fresh DAC
On Fri, May 24, 2019 at 10:23 PM Matt via SFBdrama <sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:

  Oh the fun the convoy captain will have with F-S.  
  At least everyone will have convoys running at the same speed... I have it on good authority that it's more important to the freighters in these scenarios than durability, maneuverability, and firepower... 
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