Dramatic SFB: Kronos T4 Encounters
Marcel Trahan
marcel.trahan91 at gmail.com
Tue May 7 14:28:00 PDT 2019
Currently ongoing Diplmatic Immunity #3783
Klingon FWL Andraste vs 2 Fed Pol and a Orion SAL
On Mon, May 6, 2019 at 8:04 PM Francois Lemay <lemay.frank at rogers.com>
> Gents,
> Josh and I got to end of T2 last Thursday night.
> Monster we're dealing with is a Mind Monster, very slow but a huge
> obstacle to go around none the less due to crew memory being wiped out at
> R5 or closer. Both sides keep a safe R6 distance to it !!
> Both sides start at WS 2.
> T1,
> Peladines [DDL+ysab Dead Kennedys, DD+ysab Holiday in Cambodia, and
> DD+ysab Buzzbomb ] move 15 then bump up to 21 on imp 21. No EW for any
> ship. A bit slower then KZintis due to needed power for 3rd turn arming for
> G torps and to sabotize them.
> Kzintis move 26 all turn with DWL and DD using 2 ECCM as they seem to have
> extra power !
> Imp 23 seems some ECM drones launched by Pels just in time to come on line
> on imp 27 when both fleets get to R15.
> Imp 24 sees the Pels launch 6 G sabot torps.
> This prompts a response of 4 speed 32 drones by DWL Red Comet.
> Resulting Kzinti disruptive fire on 1.28 at R15 nets 9 damage on Pel
> DDL+ysab #1 after btty use to up ECCM to eliminate the 3 ECM Pel ships are
> hiding in.
> Imp 31 sees 6 more G torp launches ensuring all fakes and real are now
> used. This also prompts another response of speed 32 drones from DW Dark
> Comet.
> During all this, Pels get to R7 of Mind Monster and Kzintis R6.
> Pels net 7 info with their 10 labs and Kzintis net 4 with their 6 labs.
> T2,
> Both fleets are R6 to MM so the MM gets a wad of probe launches for
> information.
> Kzintis get 0 points while Pels launched only 2 probes for 40 points.
> End of T2 see Kzinti get a further 10 points for a total of 74 points
> towards the 200 point total required to find out what is up with the MM !
> Pels now have 69 points.
> Thing about using labs on the MM is we cannot use them on enemy seekers !!
> Kintis start at 29 slowing to 15 on imp 14.
> Pels move 26/25/24 during the turn.
> Kzinti fleet had to use their HET to outrun the 1st wave of sabot G torps.
> The torps were allowed to hit at end of their run scoring 1 point each as
> they turned out to be real torps. DWy Dark Comet took 4 on #5 and DDy
> Pegasus took 2 on #5.
> Good news is the fake G torps are all used, bad news is the free Kzinti
> HET is used so next time this move is used, it will be at a risk !!
> Kzinti fleet turns slowly around to re-engage the Pel fleet.
> At R22 on 2.29, Kzintis score another 2 points on Pel DDL #6.
> By now, the 8 speed 32 Kzinti drones have engaged the Pel fleet. Four
> drones are phasered down, 4 are tractored for start of T3.
> Fleet are R19 to each other with Kzinti #1 center lined to Pel #6 with the
> MM smack dab in between the fleets but closer to Pel fleet as the MM is
> seeking the Pel DDL+sab.!!
> May not be till turn 6 before either side gets a chance to contact the MM.
> Play to continue Tuesday night at 7 pm ET.
> Cheers
> Frank
> On Saturday, April 27, 2019, 01:24:19 p.m. EDT, Marcel Trahan via SFBdrama
> <sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:
> To whomever it concern, here are the report of the Kronos Empire
> *On the Inflated 3 R Us Gas Bags border:*
> *Listening Post #3775:* We were not interested into the Hydran fake news,
> so we decided not to intervine to locate the source of those broadcasts. *Hydran
> Victory.*
> *Dragon attack #3776:* D5L Desolation and F6 Discord were dispatched to
> what was tought a space dragon sighting, but hose were false rumors. we
> were hoping for a good hunt. *Klingon Victory.*
> *Banshee #3777:* Long distance sensors detected blips that seems to were
> banshees. Being sure that the base could handle them, no ships were sent.
> Since no Gas Bags showed up either, S*cenario was dropped.*
> *On the 69th Imigation Enforcement Militia border:*
> *Passing the Baton #3782:* D5L Devastation and F6 Dispute were sent to
> protect the Tug from federation interferance. No enemy ships sighted. *Klingon
> Victory.*
> *Diplomatic Immunity #2783:* FWL Andraste was sent to investigate a lone
> Orion SAL when we realise that 2 federation POL were escorting it. We
> decide to engage those enemy ships. *Battle to be fought unless the
> federation retreat.*
> *Fleet Repair Dock #3784:* While E4GB Dike was being repaired, a sneaky
> federation force was sent to destroy it and the FRD. We will defend our
> postion. *Battle to be fought unless the federation retreat.*
> *Refit Raid #3785:* E5K will protect the MCD and its docked E6 from
> federation agression. *Battle to be fought unless the federation retreat.*
> *On the Slippery Suppository Border (Frax):*
> *Hostile Militia #3786:* We did not want to get involved in local Frax
> matters, so, we did not send any ships. *Frax Victory*
> *Prospecting Raid #3787:* Since we did not want to close any border with
> our neighbor, we did not send any ships. *Frax Victory.*
> *Canister #3788:* BT Bone Crusher escorted by FWL Valkyrie and E5K Bowie
> were dispatched to gather the canister, No frax ships were seen,
> interesting discovery was that the Frax tought themselves being sentients
> but further analysis found out that they are just random programs acting in
> a disconeted patern. *Klingon Victory.*
> *Listening Post #3789:* since we are quite happy with our level of
> borders with the Frax, we decided not to send any ships. *Frax Victory.*
> So, 3 possible battles to be fought against the Federation
> Kronos out
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