Dramatic SFB: Late War T4

Charles Carroll mastrvran at gmail.com
Sun Mar 24 12:43:34 PDT 2019

I am just taking a slight break right now. Still having some issues with my
concentration. Probably due to my breathing being down to around 30% of
what it should be. I can probably Captain some as needed. So just letting
you know. Not giving up or anything...just reducing for a while.

Chuckles de Duckles....Drunken Mercenary Captain of the Spaceways.

On Sun, Mar 24, 2019 at 11:07 AM Randy Blair via SFBdrama <
sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:

> On Sun, Mar 24, 2019, 10:02 AM Matt <matt at mattnet.org> wrote:
>> > Randy Blair wrote:
>> >
>> > 1.  I really hate the SFBOL client.  It just sucks and I hate it.
>> > When I play, I lose simply because it aggravates me to no end.  This
>> > is not the campaign's fault.
>> I agree it's not perfect. I hope to visit Ohio sometime and get some
>> face-to-face time with you. Until then, I'm stuck with this.
> Indiana.
> Fort Wayne, Indiana.
>> > 2.  The scenarios border on boring or unrealistic.  How many moray
>> > eels are there, anyway?  (One example...I can come up with many.) This
>> > is the campaign's fault.
>> I can adjust the frequency of the scenarios. Monster scenarios are on
>> the moderate-to-low side of showing up. Convoy and Colony raids are on
>> the moderate-to-high side of showing up. There are others, which tend to
>> happen less commonly. This includes the "Death Star" scenario, the
>> rarest of them all, where the defender's force is largely based on
>> moon-based attrition units.
>> > 3.  It seems really hard to get people together to play. For 6 months
>> > I could play every single night while I was at work, and it was very
>> > difficult to schedule time with my opponents.  Now that I'm back on
>> > first shift, it's pretty much impossible for me to play again.  But
>> > I'm ok with farming out my battles.  I think like an Admiral anyway.
>> I have no problem with someone who can only be an admiral or someone who
>> only cares to be a captain. We can share the load or, as the campaign
>> rules suggests, go to SIDCORS.
>> > 4.  Yes, the rewards are not worth fighting over, honestly.  The only
>> > time I bother is when I can actually lose income by not showing up.
>> > It used to be that a very challenging scenario gave you a recurring
>> > income bonus, and that was pretty fun to play and grow.  Once that
>> > went away, I lost interest, but tried to keep the spirit anyway.
>> I enjoyed those too. The code is still there to do income growth. I've
>> been considering putting that back in, but for very small income boosts
>> (5-15 income per scenario)
> Yes.
> Do that, please.
> Those should be for fixed assets like planets and ground bases.
>> > 5.  I think PFs should be purchased as they are lost, just like in F&E.
>> I made a decision early in the software that recurring-costs would be a
>> headache. I also shied away from some sort of inventory-tracking system.
>> Without either or both of those, your proposal can't be done. Sorry man.
>> --Matt
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