Dramatic SFB: Defender looses border missions

Francois Lemay lemay.frank at rogers.com
Sun Jan 13 15:57:44 PST 2019

 On another matter, Nicholas and I finished our 3092 battle.
T1Romulan FH-A moves 24 then speed 12 and then cloaks, ISC get to R5 of asteroid and transports 2 crystals off of it while FH-A turns left to avoid a TB transported by Comet.Once she turned, Asteroid then transported a TB in the FH-A path to which she did detonate at speed 12.During the flash cube effect, ISC FFs fire 8 ph 1s doing 9 more damage due to cloak effects. All damage on #3 and reduced to 5.
T2,ISC move at 18/25 while FH-A starts at 24 dropping cloak. FH-A does a HET to start chasing the 2 ISC frigates never getting loser then R6.During this chase, ISC shuttles that were launched during T1 and T2 fire their phasers on the FH-A #3 doing more damage and forcing the FH-A to use bttys to avoid internals.Chase ends up in top left corner where both ISC frigates turn to bring their FP plasma into arc and launch them all.FH-A returns the favour with 2 S and a F torp targeted on Comet but they do not catch Comet until 3.1.
FH-A phasers down couple of plasma for a net impact of 65 netting 37 internals on FH-A.FH-A turns away from ISC while ISC turns away as well increasing the distance between them
T3,ISC move at speed 30 while FH-A at 19 due to 9 power lost !Romulan torps are phasered down also near end of their run but they still impacted on imp 10 of launch, end result saw FF Comet take 30 some internals, enough to cripple her.
Having enough speed to avoid the FH-A and at a range of 31 to escape, both ISC frigates decided it was best to vacate the area ASAP !Since FH-A Belak could not catch either of them, the ISC ships were allowed to leave.
Romulan victory !
One battle left, Colony Raid 3085 vs Roch's Gorns which is about to happen in a couple of minutes from now.Gotta go !

    On ‎Sunday‎, ‎January‎ ‎13‎, ‎2019‎ ‎06‎:‎12‎:‎51‎ ‎PM‎ ‎EST, Gregory Flusche via SFBdrama <sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:  
 that it is what we are all trying to find is a way to do a victory. 
On Sun, Jan 13, 2019 at 5:22 PM Randy Blair <randyblair2 at gmail.com> wrote:

Concur with my peers.Noborder results penalize both players.Also, this campaign has no real victory conditions. 
On Sun, Jan 13, 2019, 3:45 PM Don Lavanty via SFBdrama <sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org wrote:

my main thoughts were on the reason's people want to loose borders There are only 2 reason right now to try and "win" (or deliberately loose) a loss of border fight1) remove a race/player either race is the paper to your rock (or the player is)2) reduce the number of borders so you can concentrate your fleet more
as right now its a double penalty to the attacker and defender. 
by pushing one player to elimination you are pushing yourself to the same fate.
The ultimate solution of the game is the elimination of the other players.
On Sun, Jan 13, 2019 at 2:57 PM Charles Carroll <mastrvran at gmail.com> wrote:

It could help, because something needs to be done. But realistically. The defender...rarely has to defend as things stand now. 
When determining what to attack...the attacker has to think in most of these. Well I can attack here. And if I win I get 30? For the win. Maybe lose a ship. Which is worth more than 30. Definitely lose a border of my own. Which means all future income is gone. Hmmmmm.....what should I do.
Oh look...there is a fight were I get income and still have a border left. That is where I will go.
On Sun, Jan 13, 2019 at 2:52 PM Gregory Flusche via SFBdrama <sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:

Yes if the attacker gains a new border with a different race then the defender and the defender losses a border. This would force the defender to fight those battles 
On Sun, Jan 13, 2019 at 1:28 PM Don Lavanty via SFBdrama <sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:

Lol I appologize for my fat thumbing (emailing on phone)
On Sun, Jan 13, 2019 at 1:21 PM Don Lavanty via SFBdrama <sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:

 I have been thinking about these missions and both sides do not want this so all of them are being avoided as neither side wants the loss of income. M
I suggest the following change to add to the pot so to speak 
Defender nothing really changesDefender looses border pushinging them towards elimination. 
Attacker: newborderImprove the economic gain for the attacker ____________________________________________________
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