Dramatic SFB: Finishing Fleet Build

Matthew matt at mattnet.org
Wed Dec 26 16:33:31 PST 2018

> It occurs to me that I share a border with the Peladine and I have no 
> idea what the Peladine race is, what their special rules are, or what 
> their ships look like.  I can't find them on Matt's website.  Anyone 
> have a summary of such rules?

They are situated "east" to the Lyrans, and might have eventually had 
contact with the Kzinti if they had been much more aggressive. Their 
ships combine both Plasma torps and Drones. Generally they get smaller 
plasma (generally the S-torps go to the BCs and larger. DDs to CAs get 
G-torps.) Most of their phasers are Ph-2s, as you would expect from the 
Lyrans, Klingons, and Hydrans.

They make a good thought experiment on what a "pure seeker" race might 
work out to be. As a result, be aware of a short-range punch with the 
plasma, and zillions of drones on the board for a long-range "keep 
away". But their weakness is against a "pure direct-fire" race (such as 
the Feds) or one that can handle seekers well (such as the Kzinti and 
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