Dramatic SFB: War of Attrition

joshua s badreligiontrk07 at hotmail.com
Thu Nov 29 19:10:13 PST 2018

Sounds good, after reading the rules on crew quality I can see how outstanding crews throw things out of balance, assuming that is your reason behind it.

I don’t mind legendary officers or conjectural units but I don’t really have a preference on whether they are added or not. We’ll have to keep tracks of crippled/destroyed ships if we want to use that as a winning condition.

What’s the tweak on the no border penalty?

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> On Nov 29, 2018, at 5:26 PM, Matthew via SFBdrama <sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:
> Alright. So I've been hearing some pretty overwhelming hurrahs for claiming a winner of the War of Attrition, and then starting a new game. I want to give it the weekend to hear from people spend their life at work say that they don't want the WoA to go away. However, it's looking like I'll be closing the game Real Soon Now (tm).
> So here's what I'd like to do for the next game (stop me if you hate the idea):
> Last turn of Y179 as the start year.
> 3 turns per year.
> Everyone has monies to buy their fleet. No starting ships.
> Fed & Empire Borders: you start next to the guys that F&E puts you next to. The border counts are roughly the same ratio as F&E (but, obviously, not the same amounts.)
> The game ends after Y185.
> X ships are not allowed (because the basic X modules just aren't in the database.) There will be the opportunity to build some X-Ships. Please don't take those opportunities - I can kill ships from the admin interface.
> I can allow or not allow conjectueral ships as you guys care. This mostly affects battleships, but some empires might see some of their one-off ships being allowed (Hydran and Romulan come to mind.)
> Scenarios will be getting another tweaking: Some of the EP penalties will be replaced with NoBorder rewards.
> The software doesn't support other forms of bookkeeping at the moment (such as tracking how many ships were destroyed over the life of the game, or whatever.) If you folks want to have public records of what ships did what, I don't mind allowing legendary officers. If you want them, I'll add them to the campaign rules as an optional rule.
> If using Legendary Officers:
> Use (U7.95) to calculate XPs.
> At 1,000 XPs, roll on (G22.111) for that ship. Note that there is half a chance that there will not be a legendary officer. The only roll for a legendary officer is at 1,000 XP (more XP won't allow another roll for that ship, but they will suck up their share of (U7.9513). Legendary officers are *rare*.)
> Legendary officers don't add BPV to a ship for any purpose.
> Legendary officers cannot be transferred or promoted. If the ship containing such an officer is destroyed or captured, then the officer(s) and the XPs on that ship are lost.
> PFs and Fighters won't have legendary pilots/crews. Nor will there be any outstanding crews.
> --Matt
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