Dramatic SFB: WoA

Charles Carroll mastrvran at gmail.com
Tue Nov 20 15:33:25 PST 2018

Good...just looking for something to give this more a results with an
effect...rather than just an ongoing...Got up...went out shot up my
neighbor...went home...went to bed...got up...got blown up...my body was
shipped how my ghost express...got up...went out decided I didnt want to
fight this...went home...rinse and repeats. With nothing ever happening to
give any of this purpose. Which leads to got up...had overwhelming battles
I won. And had some that I might lose so did not fight.


On Tue, Nov 20, 2018 at 6:29 PM Gregory Flusche <shagrat1960 at gmail.com>

> Going with this subject matter.
> First winning the game.. A} destroy 3X as many BPV of other players. This
> would encourage players to do combat.
>                                        B} have 3X As many borders of any
> other race.
>                                       C} have 3 X the income of any other
> races.
>                                        D} have 3X the stockpiled ECP then
> any other race,
> Other ideas. Have a fixed fleet size for each player. you could even have
> a fleet size for each player you  border depending on the number of borders
> with that player.
> As if i have 4 border hexes with Player A. I can have 0.5 move cost per
> border.  So 4 DD hulls 2 CA are combination. So can Player A on my border.
> This would make battles more even sometimes. Still one could put all ships
> in one border and still overwhelm. Still your fleet can only be so big.
> On Tue, Nov 20, 2018 at 5:50 PM Charles Carroll <mastrvran at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Muhahaha....Whats really funny...is I sent this a one on one email...and
>> it popped up as everyone. So I cant click worth crap it seems.
>> Anyway...I do feel we need to sooner or later start doing adjustments of
>> some kind. Or have an agreed upon cut off turn. Or something But if we do
>> have a cut off turn. What is the basis for who wins? The amount listed on
>> the left near the bottom of your screen that says Empire score? How is that
>> calculated? Simply how much BPV you have?
>> In other words I have no idea how I am doing over all. And because this
>> is strictly a scenario based campaign with no Empire Benefits. There is no
>> effective feed back as to what is happening anywhere in the Empire nor is
>> there any indication if my efforts have helped the Empire other than more
>> ships keep appearing.
>> Now I am not saying in any shape or form that is a bad thing. And I could
>> see it being possible to effectively kill a player but him never winning a
>> scenario...and since you lose points every time you defend and lose...it
>> would be possible to be running negative points. But...that also has no
>> real world consequences, as in I am down 200 points and have to destroy 200
>> BPV of ships.
>> I know this is designed purely around having fights. But....the issue
>> with that is...as an example, I have 22 borders. I had at the most 4 to 5
>> actual fights that could happen. And most of them as MD pointed out...are
>> impossible to play for him. So we end up with lots of nice treaties.
>> Protected borders all over and one or two players we beat the crap out of.
>> But even so. It just means we end up never fighting.
>> So I am just thinking we need something to make fighting either more
>> attractive, of failing to fight have actual issues that have long term
>> effects. Maybe instead of losing points, if you lose. Lose a border, which
>> will end up driving you out of the game. And give the one who took your
>> scenario...(Only on Defense) a new border with someone else. So saying
>> nah...I wont defend this becomes not an option anyone wants. Actual
>> repercussions to failing to meet the enemy.
>> Anyway some thoughts on how to keep it interesting. I just feel there
>> needs to be more than...well I woke up today...a turn ran and...I took a
>> lot of points uncontested. The few fights I could have had were all
>> overwhelming. So gee...what do I spend this constantly expanding BPV pool
>> on this turn....so next turn I can do it all again.
>> Another possibility, is make all scenarios, have serious limits lime move
>> cost requirements. Or all need to be size class restricted of some type.
>> With some just free for all, bring what ever fleet you can build for a
>> massive contest with serious rewards to make sending your main battle fleet
>> out worthwhile.
>> Thoughts from the mind of a demented captain.
>> Chuck
>> On Tue, Nov 20, 2018 at 4:51 PM Gregory Flusche <shagrat1960 at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> I do understand about the how do we win this campaign. IT is evolving
>>> and Matt loves feed back :)/
>>> On Mon, Nov 19, 2018 at 11:56 PM Charles Carroll via SFBdrama <
>>> sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:
>>>> Lol I have all this stuff sitting around so I send it. But...as I have
>>>> said....I am certainly willing to sens stuff home and just field a fleet
>>>> equal to you so we can play.
>>>> Just give me a point range and I will drop stuff. I am real easy. I am
>>>> actually getting kind of tired of this type campaign because there is no
>>>> real way to win. It is interesting. But...after the first few turns...it
>>>> gets predictable. And once treaties and truces get set...it gets absurd as
>>>> you are seeing.
>>>> Chuck
>>>> On Mon, Nov 19, 2018 at 11:28 PM TJ Hooker <metaldog09 at yahoo.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I see that once again the bulk of your real and actual fighting force
>>>>> has managed to find its into the 4 boxes on my boarder while the other *21
>>>>> BOXES manage to find what? 9 snipes? lol man.. are you kidding with this
>>>>> crap?* I get your DN and all of your cruisers again, and for the last
>>>>> 5 turns ?!!? If the point of this game is to rack up the biggest strategic
>>>>> fleet and to play the email diplomacy game lets just stop now and declare
>>>>> you the big winner..lol. wow man, wow.
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