Dramatic SFB: Late War borders

Matthew matt at mattnet.org
Thu Dec 13 17:03:03 PST 2018

Heya Gents.

I'm putting together the borders for everyone, and have a question for 
the list. I have two ways of doing Borders (that I'm considering here. 
There's at least one other way, but it's unpopular):

A) Historical neighbors. Give you neighbors based on who you 
historically are near. But in some ratio that makes sense and is 
balanced for everyone.

B) By F&E. Same historical neighbors, but in some ratio dictated by the 
Fed&Emp map. Some people will have very few borders (with anyone) and 
some will have large borders. So it's not balanced, but could add an 
interesting dynamic.

For those who are curious:

C) By food group. Plasma are neighbors together, D&D are neighbors 
together, everyone else are neighbors together. This is the unpopular 
option with the guys here. Not up for grabs.


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