Dramatic SFB: 69th Border Enforcement Squadron Attrition
Charles Carroll
mastrvran at gmail.com
Mon Sep 3 23:25:37 PDT 2018
We have...though I was hoping you would reply...to the email that addressed
this in detail lol...having to do with the Captain which was sent separate.
On Tue, Sep 4, 2018 at 2:15 AM Pat Hogan <hazelnut1968 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Ok, we have reached an agreement that restores the status quo.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Sep 3, 2018, at 21:28, Charles Carroll <mastrvran at gmail.com> wrote:
> Just so you know I had an
> On Mon, Sep 3, 2018 at 9:23 PM Charles Carroll <mastrvran at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Read my other email dealing with this.
>> Chuck
>> On Mon, Sep 3, 2018 at 9:18 PM Pat Hogan <hazelnut1968 at yahoo.com> wrote:
>>> It has to be a Romulan Victory per the rules, Chuck. I have an illegal
>>> fleet and must forfeit.
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Sep 3, 2018, at 20:38, Charles Carroll <mastrvran at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I honor out truce....and withdraw immediately. List this as your win. My
>>> apologies. I am listing it that way in my orders.
>>> Chuck....idiot in space.
>>> On Mon, Sep 3, 2018 at 7:35 PM Pat Hogan via SFBdrama <
>>> sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:
>>>> Andromedan Border
>>>> 2307 Hostages - We sent no ships to torment the Andromedans this turn,
>>>> result is an Andromedan Win.
>>>> Great Gorn Confederation Border
>>>> 2309 Moray Eel - This was a Gorn internal matter; no reason for us to
>>>> intervene. Gorn Win.
>>>> 2310 Planet Crusher - This was a Gorn internal matter; no reason for us
>>>> to intervene. Gorn Win.
>>>> 2311 Base Defense - The DEA USS Pareja made a port call in this
>>>> sector. All was quiet. Fed Win.
>>>> 2312 Convoy Raid - The FFG USS Baugh quietly escorted a convoy with
>>>> Labor Day party supplies to the Margaritaville Space Station and Casino.
>>>> Fed Win.
>>>> 2313 Hostages - Dropped
>>>> Klingon Deep Space Fleet Border
>>>> 2331 Convoy Raid - Our unescorted convoy was ambushed by 3 F5s and 2
>>>> G2s. Klingon win.
>>>> Kzinti Territorial Marking Fleet Border
>>>> 2332 Planet Bombard - Kzinti Internal Matter; no reason for us to
>>>> intervene. Kzinti Win.
>>>> 2333 Dilithium - The FFG Orville conducted Dilithium Mining Operations
>>>> in this sector. Fed Win.
>>>> 2334 Space Boars - Kzinti Internal Matter; no reason for us to
>>>> intervene. Kzinti Win.
>>>> 2335 Terrain Defense - The CMC USS Patton had a raucous shore leave,
>>>> but otherwise things were quiet. Fed Win.
>>>> 2336 Dilithium - The DDL USS Gibbs conducted Dilithium Mining
>>>> Operations in this sector. Fed Win.
>>>> 2337 Listening Post - The NCL USS Greenville conducted maintenance on a
>>>> Border Observation post. Fed Win.
>>>> 2338 Planet Crusher - Dropped
>>>> Punishing Peladine Border
>>>> 2341 War Memorial - Dropped
>>>> Remus Romulan Border
>>>> 2340 Colony Raid - Romulan Internal Matter; no reason for us to
>>>> intervene. Romulan Win.
>>>> 2341 Listening Post - Romulan Internal Matter; no reason for us to
>>>> intervene. Romulan Win.
>>>> 2342 Evac Observatory - The ZCD USS Spear was able to safely evacuate
>>>> the Observatory before disaster struck. Fed Win.
>>>> 2343 Moray Eel - The SC USS Lewis was able to safely deal with the
>>>> Moray Eel. Fed Win.
>>>> *2339 Canisters - In violation of treaty, the Romulans sent a small
>>>> vessel into this sector. As the corresponding Federation vessel was the
>>>> DNG USS Federation, and the dreadnought was unaccompanied; this resulted
>>>> in an Illegal Fleet for the Federation and an automatic Romulan Victory.
>>>> The 69th Border Enforcement Squadron strongly protests this violation of
>>>> the border; as all other sectors of our joint border were patrolled per our
>>>> mutual agreement, this violation must have been willful.*
>>>> Having nothing unresolved, the 69th Border Enforcement Squadron is
>>>> Ready to Advance.
>>>> Sent from my iPhone
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