Dramatic SFB: WoA

Francois Lemay lemay.frank at rogers.com
Mon Sep 3 19:34:09 PDT 2018

Yep, I've noticed that as well.Is Bram still with us ??
Re Punishing Peladine T13 Report.
Flota de Invasion Andro front.2304, Dropped as it seems the Andros got their communications mixed up.2305, Andro win, they really wanted to open up another border with the PP Empire or perhaps a mix up in communications .........2306, Andro win.
Barbarians at the Gate Klingons front.2329, Pel win.2330, Pel win, expected more resistance from Barbarians.
69th Border Enforcement Squadron Federation front,2344, dropped, guess Feds don't want to open up borders with the PP Empire ?
Fraxian Empire front.2358, Pel win surprisingly.2359, Frax win, WS roll was high for Frax and far too many Fraxian ships to deal with !
Drones Catnip & Liquor Kzinti front.2369, Pel win as DCL Kzinti is no show.2370, dropped as neither side showed up.
Deep Space Fleet Klingons front,2381, Klingon win thus closing a border.2382, Klingon win causing economic grief to PP Empire, troubled times ahead ...... ?
Flaming Rage Lyrans front.All scenarios here are auto resolved except 2389 where its a Pel win by overwhelming force.
Territorial Marking FLeet Kzinti front.2396, Kzinti auto win.
Remus Ascendant Romulan front,2401, PENDING, PP empire will fight this one but  we suspect the Romulans will retreat as they seem to be a little short on max fleet MC allowed. Perhaps a calculating error in the Romulan war room ??***********************Seems I may have only 1 battle to play out ?Chuck, what say you re 2401 ??
CheersEnd of Punishing Peladine ReportFrank



 On Monday, September 3, 2018 9:57 PM, Wayne Power via SFBdrama <sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:

  Strange happening, I have noticed (turns before as well) that the Kzinti drones catnip and liquor has no orders for any ships of the fleet to any of the  scenarios.
Flaming Rage Lyran could play both scenarios (#2385, #2384) with the Hydran menage a trois if we both have the time, or the Lyran will disengage from one.
All other Flaming Rage Lyran scenarios for this turn are resolved.____________________________________________________
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