Dramatic SFB: [WoA] Holy crap, says the Lyran Star Empire

Charles Carroll mastrvran at gmail.com
Thu Jul 26 01:09:05 PDT 2018

Well that is certainly an answer...Answer number two...is focus on fights
you need to win as well as make treaties. You do not have to fight everyone
on your border. If you can say...get two..treaties. Or even 3 and be able
to marshal your resources vs an aggressive border opponent it can make a
serious difference.

I joined on like turn 5 and was way down in BPV. I still am no where near
as high as some. But...I have some treaties. I fight some battles. I let
some go as not needed...(As in it costs me nothing.)

I also joined late so I could learn how this campaign functions...get used
to the requirements and the way it plays. But admittedly some one joining
late will not have an even playing field.

You have another Lyran  on one Border....BROTHER....How are you...lets be
friends could be your email to them. So forth and so on. Maybe they will
say no. But you could wait and see...for a turn.

Anyway...its your choice.


On Thu, Jul 26, 2018 at 3:08 AM, Randy Blair via SFBdrama <
sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:

> I just started this shindig, and realize now that I'm out BPV'd
> significantly, fleet-wise, compared to my neighbors.
> Not gonna start already losing so I'm out.
> As in, not playing this campaign.
> Thanks anyway, guys!
> Randy
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