Dramatic SFB: New Email Flaming Rage Lyran

Matthew matt at mattnet.org
Wed Jul 25 05:02:05 PDT 2018

>  I went back into my turns orders to add some builds and it got locked 
> out of the order submitting page. I think the server does not like 
> a player doing their order more than once.

This sounds like the Blank-Order bug. when you create a gap in your 
orders so as to have an entry that is blank between orders, the 
javascript that does the "graphical" style of ship orders will bug out 
on you.

The fix is to force the original "drop down" style of orders. This can 
be accomplished by forcing your browser to think it's got the resolution 
of a mobile device. There are ways to force the browsers to report to 
themselves that they are that small, but usually it's in the menus that 
web-developers use.

Otherwise you could, you know, use a mobile device to access the website.


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