Dramatic SFB: Well....the first turn of the Convoy Raid is done.

Charles Carroll mastrvran at gmail.com
Sat Jul 28 16:04:34 PDT 2018

Sir we have the convoy spotted...at extreme range. Ok people lets close
in...run silent and lets see if we can sneak up on these guys and make out
job easier Bring us to WS 3.........a few minutes later...Sir....scans
indicate that um....they have their shields up...all weapons fully
charged...and seem to be at um...WS 3....Do they now ensign....any idea why
that happened.....Well sir....it seems that someone missed the
memo....Bob...seems to have been chatting with his girl friend on a wide
band open channel about the coming attack. He is here...and she is on the
Harkness. Well have him go over to see her....and um...have her meet him
half way. No need to bother getting all dressed up...just help them along
out the airlock and see that they end up close to each other.

Alrighty then gentlemen...thanks to Bob...It appears we have a much more
serious situation here. So lets get things moving and see how this goes.

Speed 29....and lets get in and hit them...use a lot of ECCm to counter the
fear they will have from seeing us swoop down upon them. Sir as expected
they are running at speed 6...no wait...the escorts have increased to
15...and the FTs to 9 and running high ECm...the Combat ships...were
leaning more toward ECCM.

Imp one...FT 1 and 2 launched shuttles. Imp 4 DWL and FT3 launched a
shuttle...I see a trend here. Imp 7 DW launched a shuttle. On Imp 9 the
first 2 shuttles blossomed sending drones into space. On 12...2 more
blossomed. Then on 12 FT 1, 2 and 3 launched a drone each. On 13...one of
the lead drones showed itself to be a swordfish drone by rudely shooting
Harkness in his #1 shield for 4 damage at range 3. On imp 15 the last
shuttle blossomed forth drones. so lots of drones wandering around
space...all seeming to be heading toward me. At this time I decided to turn
off and whittle me down some drones.

On 17 Heller slowed down to 22. Much to my surprise as he was supposed to
be slowing to 20 later in the turn with the Harkness. The Heller attempted
to lab 5 drones on 18 and the science officer decided that one of them was
a Heavy drone....the rest? He wasnt sure. So I had that the one next to
Heller shot out of space as if it too was a Heavy...two phaser 3s killed it
dead. I continued moving away and the Combat ships started coming around to
give chase...once I had turned off.

On 20 the Harness slowed to 20 right on schedule...as I glared at my
navigator. Another drone was launched at us. Sigh....On 21...the scout gave
my Ca a gift...6 OEM...I was...ecstatic....I asked my science officer to go
ahead and lab the 3 drones near me...trying again...and I now know that
there is a Swordfish aimed at Harness. And another type 4. The last
unknown? My science officer as he was taken away to sick bay swore it was a
dishwasher on rinse cycle. on 21...another drone was launched my way by the
DWS On 22 the Harkess launched an ECM drone. Again....there was a
glare...at my navigator....who pretended to be very busy...on 25 I launched
two drones from Heller...on 26 one impacted and killed an incoming drone.
On 26...the scout...rolled and took out the last defensive drone I had out
before It could move and kill its target. On 26 The Harkness dropped its
number 6 shield and tossed out two T bombs. 27...Dw launched another drone
at me. 29...a lovely drone flambeau occured. Taking out assorted
drones...about 9. And the DW launched yet another shuttle. This is getting
repetative. On 30 the hidden T bomb went off and got 4 more drones....and
as we came to a close in turn one...I made a decision to attempt something
dangerous. I dropped my Number 4 shield...and placed a T bomb right where
it would kill 12 drones next tuen. Which also meant I was open at range 16
to 7 phaser ones. As expected all 7 fired...and 4 damage was done. 1 damage
was stopped by general shield reinforcement. 3 Went in...and luck was on
the side of the Frax. A drone rack...a Phaser 2 and a hull were hit.

Turn 2 is expected to start tonight at 11OM EST for any late night people
who want to watch.

Chuck...the rather disgusted Mercenary with a few of my crew. Though 2 are
enjoying the vastness of space...and I am seriously considering added a
third....glares a few more times....
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