Dramatic SFB: Great Green Gorn

Paul Meyer falrun at hotmail.com
Wed May 9 16:38:08 PDT 2018

The Great Green Gorn borders are quiet... Maybe too quiet...

Only two possible encounters this turn.

Convoy Raid #867: Andros

Even though the Andromedans would like to draw the Gorn fleet into this obvious trap, the Gorn will not engage.

Listening Post #870: Boulder Quarry for Crater Glory (Jindarian)

Mr. Gorntastic ordered his fleet to investigate this new threat to the GGG border. The G-Buster fleet scanned the area and found two small funny, puny ships in the sector. Captain Dewey assumes the ships will run from this awesome reptilian presence, but they do seem agile. They just might make a run for the listening post...

What's the word, Ken. Are you feeling lucky?

Mr. Gorntastic

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