Dramatic SFB: Great Green Gorn

Paul Meyer falrun at hotmail.com
Sat Apr 14 14:27:23 PDT 2018

The Jagdstaffel border remains quiet as the Paravian's remain occupied with other matters.

There's a potential skirmish with the ISC turned Romulan (some new shape-changing race?) send a cruiser to a destroyer fight. The GGG will withdraw given how outclassed they are.

There's always something going on with the Andros. They sent a small fleet to Terrain Defense with Ground Combat #725. The GGG are slightly out matched and given the amount of time that they spent hanging out, they will withdraw. (We can play this one off-line, in 'simulator' mode)

The only remaining unresolved scenario for GGG is: Probe Recovery #728

I have an overwhelming force, but that doesn't mean that the Flaming Rage won't win.

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