Dramatic SFB: Remus Ascendant ready to advance with update on encounters.
Gregory Flusche
shagrat1960 at gmail.com
Mon Apr 16 03:04:42 PDT 2018
Nicely done.... :)
On Mon, Apr 16, 2018 at 1:08 AM, Charles Carroll via SFBdrama <
sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:
> Refit Raid #751 There were rumors that the Paravians would show up t cause
> trouble for an FRD. The brave SKA Crassius was dispatched to watch over the
> FRD...He was bored to tears.
> Convoy raid #752 The Paravians for some reason escorted a load of
> junk...we naturally did not bother to stop them from taking their trash
> elsewhere.
> Base Defense #766 While we did notice that the Great Gorn Confederation
> were installing a rather ramshackled BS on our Border. We saw no reason to
> bother stopping it because it was outdated...and gave them something better
> to do than pass out in our bars.
> Planet Crusher #767 Came wandering out of space near one of our planets.
> We herded it away and went about our business with no interference.
> Convoy raid #768 Gaul Auxiliary Fritz was assigned to shepherd a
> convoy...His report seems to indicate he slept through most of it. But the
> convoy got there safely. No action required.
> Colony raid #769 Was rather uneventful. No one bothered to show up...or
> raid. There were a couple of people caught sky clad dancing in the
> night...which was filmed...and is available for the usual fee.
> Moray eel of space #819 Was boring...no one showed up...including the eel
> Terrain defense with ground combat #820 No one showed but the ground was
> still there afterwards.
> Dilithium Crystal Asteroid #850 No one showed
> Fleet repair Dock #851 We didnt bother to stop the Feds from trying to fix
> their delapadated fleet.
> Diplomatic immunity #852 The Orions made contact...handled what they
> needed and left undisturbed.
> Technology Sabotage #853 I mean really? Why would we bother to sabotage
> some tech that is so out dated...if that is the best they have...then we
> hope they will do better in the future.
> And finally...Prospecting raid #801 My Girlfriend found the cutest
> minerals on sale and we traced it back to a site owned by the Jindarians.
> Obviously they did not need to be there...so we showed up and asked them to
> leave. They rudely refused...so we had to show them the error of their
> ways. Turn one we closed on each other...and We launched an enveloping S
> and a pseudo S torpedo. The Jindarian almost obliterated the pseudo torpedo
> with phaser fire at least they were accurate at hitting the fake. At the
> begining of turn 2...the Jindarian HCS Mylonite...ran into a reminder as to
> why you should not annoy Romulans. A 60 point enveloping S torp scrapped
> all the paint off...as well as some assorted antennas. He then very rudely
> slaughter my fleet of 8 fighters...which did manage to launch almost all of
> their torps before he murdered them.
> The torps chased the Jindarians off...for the rest of the turn causing
> more paint damage. At the end of the turn two...The SUP-K
> Gladius...supported by the Scout SKF Skirmisher...approached the CPP
> base...and enveloped it with a plasma...then slagged most of what was left
> of it with phasers. As a parting gift we left behind an NSM and watched it
> blow the base and everything around it up at the end of the turn. We then
> turned towards a lone freighter...and headed towards it at high speed. They
> abandoned ship...so we headed back home with some nice minerals for my
> girlfriend. That should teach those uppity Jindarians not to give us our
> due when we politely ask them to.
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