Dramatic SFB: Barbarians

Gregory Flusche shagrat1960 at gmail.com
Wed Feb 28 14:59:36 PST 2018

Well Things have begun to heat up for the Jagdstaffel.  On the Great Green
Gorn border all is still Quiet.

The great Gorn Confederation is still being belligerent. Sending a DN and
fleet to attack my tug on a peaceful mission delivering much needed
supplies to a new colony. We do have 3 HCs  on route to help the tug.
Unsure if they can help at all.

After overtures of peace the ISC so called peacemakers of the Galaxy attack
one of our convoys.  However this Convoy has teeth. With a DW task force
including the new DWV.  However i am unsure if he is fielding a legal
fleet?  As the flag ship has PPDs and so does the CA have 1. My thought is
that the CA can not be in the fleet.

 (E11.17) FLEET LIMIT: ISC doctrine and the availability of PPDs
limited how many could be deployed in a given area at a given time.
For purposes of ISC ships in a patrol scenario, the maximum number
of PPDs is calculated as follows: The flagship (the largest ship present)
with whatever PPDs it has (a maximum of four), plus one PPD
for every group of three ships in addition to the command ship
(counting a maximum of one fractional group). This yields a maximum
of eight PPDs in a standard eleven-ship fleet. There is also an overall
limit of nine PPDs in any given fleet (assuming a larger fleet is
authorized in that scenario). PPDs on bases do not count for
purposes of this limit. Each flotilla of six (not less) PFs, whether
casual or formal, counts as one “ship” for this equation.

We have decided that Raiding the Vudar is not in are best interests at this

The Romulans have seen fit to leave our refitting ships alone. There
peaceful intentions have been noted.

The Frax have been heard from in a very strong way. Sending a CC, 2 CW ,2
DW and a CWS to attack a Tug carrying important supplies. The Tug has
dropped the cargo pod and with it,s escorts will run away and high speed.
That Hurts... my ECON. This will not be tolerated  Raids may now be
authorized against the Frax.

At this time it appears i have only one battle vs the ISC and that may not
be at all. As for the Gorn battle I am looking at how bad i am out gunned
as my Tug has the same armament as my HC. The problem is can I save both
pods no.. meaning i must save the other pod and the Tug. Then cripple are
destroy a Gorn ship without any of mine being crippled are destroyed.
This turn is going to hurt me.

On Wed, Feb 28, 2018 at 12:20 PM, David via SFBdrama <
sfbdrama at lists.mattnet.org> wrote:

> Planet Crusher #497:  Our peaceful scientific expedition will observe the
> Hydran Hawkmen brutal slaughter of a harmless endangered species from a
> greater distance. (Retreat from overwhelming force)
> Deathstar #507: Oh, yeah. It is a Deathstar. (Retreat from overwhelming
> force) I find it interesting that had anyone fielded a ship to the other
> two Deathstars they would have won by default because their opponents
> probably can't command the defenses with destroyers. "Note that if the
> [defending] player cannot field a ship that has a command rating equal to
> or in excess of that required to command the defenses [7], they
> automatically lose this scenario by virtue of not having a mobile unit
> present. " I guess the autoresolves mean you get the points despite the
> lack of command rating but wow, that was taking a chance.
> Base #468: Hawkmen KN+, SC, MB vs Barbarian D5, 2xG2, E4J - I'm up to
> fight it out and feel good about my chances. I have overwhelming force by
> BPV but my force is a rather underwhelming overwhelming. You up for this
> one Glenn?
> Convoy Raid #504: Tholian 2 x CA, SC vs. Barbarian 3 x F5B, 1 F5K and a
> F5S + Convoy. I'm up for this. Those CAs are tough and F5s are not but I've
> got a matching scout so it's 2 on 1. Best of all, he can't web up this
> time. Let me know on timing Matthew. Friday and Monday nights are out,
> Saturday might be tricky but is possible.
> My others autoresolve.
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