Dramatic SFB: Pending battles

Matthew matt at mattnet.org
Sun Feb 25 12:58:29 PST 2018

Well, I'm going to go with the theory that Boyd presented, that Bram is 
terribly involved with Real Life. He seems to be able to spend half an 
hour on doing orders, but can't break away to do battles.

Given that, I'm going to go ahead and cycle the turn Real Soon Now. 
Please mark #438 as appropriate and we can get going.

Looking forward, I'm hoping that Bram will do this next set of orders as 
well as he managed the last set (e.g. with no hangups). I don't know 
what he is willing to do about his battles, but I have sent a missive to 
him a couple days ago that suggested he get a sort of "on staff" battle 


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