Dramatic SFB: Is this an error?

Daniel Crispin calendyr at hotmail.com
Mon Mar 5 15:37:49 PST 2018

Very weird setup for the scenario Probe Recovery... is there an error in initial positions?

TERRAIN: Radius 9 Gas Giant (P2.22) at 2215, with Rings (P2.223) that begin at the 14th hex from the center and extend to the 19th hex from the center.
Galactic enforcers (ISC) PLAYER: DN-r "Peacemaker", CL-r "Guardian", FLG "Explorer", POL "Breacher" within two hexes of 1310, speed max, heading E.
Boulder Quarry for Crater Glory (Jindarian) PLAYER: DDS "DDS01", DW "DW05", DW "DW06" within two hexes of 0130, speed max, heading A.
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