Dramatic SFB: Flaming Rage

Wayne Power wdpower at yahoo.com.au
Wed Feb 28 14:59:16 PST 2018

 The Flaming Rage Lyrans look like they may get no points this turn from the scenarios.
 #569 a Lyran FF+p  vs a FF Peladine, and a space board (well this will be a fun exercise).
#565 the Hydran (Menage a Trois) have fielded a solid force, Weapon Status will decide if the Lyrans fight this battle.
#564 the Kzinti (Territorial marking fleet) have fielded a solid force. Weapon Status will decide if the Lyrans fight this battle.
All other battles are auto resolved, or are overwhelming force (so the Lyrans will disengage).
Note on scenario #475 to the Hydran Hawkmen, only size class four ships at the convoy raid. 
The Lyrans two convoy raid scenario battles (#565, #564) could see the end of both Lyran squadrons in a Flaming Rage.
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