Dramatic SFB: My turn

Daniel Crispin calendyr at hotmail.com
Sun Feb 4 19:36:59 PST 2018

Here is the overview of the possible battles for the Galactic Enforcers for this turn

#370 : Listening post

Our patrol of 3 Police ships detected a listening post on the Pavarian border, as they headed towards the signal, they scanned a large fleet in the area.  Our ships have called for re-enforcements and turned around awaiting a military presence from the Concordium.

#371 : A very special ally

A space monster has been detected on our border with the Pavarian.  Our Star Cruiser and Police Flagship also detected the presence of Pavarian ships in the area.  We will keep on course to investigate the situation.

#372 : Refugee Flight

I believe I have a fleet too large for that scenario... if so what are the rules?  Do I simply remove a ship to meet the requirements? If so our remaining ships will head in to see what is going on.  If I am not allowed to fight it, the it's gonna be a very easy Pavarian win ;(

#409 : Space Boars

Our Destroyer is headed in with weapons loaded and shields raised.   We are waiting to see what the boars and the Jindarians will do.

#411 : Banshees

Our police ship has opened a link with the Galactic News Network and we are ready to watch the Jindarians's small fleet get blown out of the stars by the Banshees 😉

I am waiting responses from both players for all these encounters.  My account with SFBOL just expired and I am gonna renew it now.  Hope there is no delay for that process.  I should be able to play every night this week except Friday, so depending on Ken's and Greg's availability I could resolve up to 4 scenarios if I am lucky.  Still have to see if the guys want to fight them all.

President Calendyr

Galactic Enforcers (I.S.C.)

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